Home Health Compliance Expert
As Director/ Administrator of a Home Care Agency, I always had a list of things that had to be done and done properly for regulatory and payment purposes. Things like chart audits, personnel files, QAPI reports, survey readiness reviews, billing, etc.
I kept a list of these daily tasks. And every morning, I waked into my office with the intention to complete every item on that list. Then, the day “happened”.
Remember those old pin ball machines? The ones that had flippers on the sides, used to bat a steel ball around? I felt like the little ball. Ding! Ding! Ding! I bounced from scheduling issues to urgent phone calls, to billing holdups, to…
Soon, the day was over and I was no closer to completing the tasks on my list than I was that morning. If only I had someone I could count on to fill that critical gap in regulatory maintenance! My staff and I would be able to focus on the daily minutia of running a busy agency. I could sleep soundly at night if I knew these things were accomplished promptly, properly and professionally.
No one stepped in to save the day, so I become that person. That’s what we do at HHCC. And we do it in a cost-effective manner.
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Jackie Aplin, RN, BSN
BSN University of Texas at San Antonio School of Nursing
- Start-up Home Health and/or Hospice
- Accreditation by CHAP, ACHC, JCAHO
- Return to a good standing from Immediate Jeopardy status
with state/CMS - Improvement of Quality ratings